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The upcoming Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse remaster is taking after the remake of Maiden of the Black Water as the game’s Steam page has disclosed that the lineup of costumes has been altered, sure to prove highly disappointing whilst making critics curious as to the reason why.

The Fatal Frame: Maiden of the Black Water remaster from a little while back removed the special swimsuits, Zero Suit Samus and Princess Zelda costume DLC present in the original Wii U version, and the Steam page for Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse has suggested that more costumes might be removed in this remaster as well:

It was noted that new costumes, at least, would be added, and it wasn’t specified which costumes would be altered.

Those upset by the news can potentially rely on modders however, as they managed to reimplement the costumes removed from the Fatal Frame: Maiden of the Black Water remaster.

The Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse remaster is coming in 2023 for the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.