HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE!, known as Project Sekai: Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku in Japan, has cancelled an upcoming event in the West due to “inappropriate expressions”, which many suspect is once again a matter of Western developers removing content they personally deem “offensive”.
The official English Twitter account for HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE! released a statement saying they believed a part of the “Revival My Dream” event was “inappropriate”, and because they were “unable to change the content to satisfy everyone”, the event is being cancelled altogether:
Due to the wording, some might theorize that the Western developer might have asked the Japanese developer for permission to alter the content, but were denied, and thus chose to simply not have the event at all – though, the exact details weren’t disclosed.
What exactly was deemed “inappropriate” in the event wasn’t mentioned, but players have suggested that the art on some of the cards and elements of the story were “offensive”:
HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE! was a rhythm game released for smartphones back in 2020, and it was developed by Colorful Palette and published by Sega Corporation.
Censorship came to an anime of the series a while back, where an episode containing girls dressed as gyaru, which mentally ill individuals wrongly called “blackface”, was removed.
Some might be unsurprised by this turn of events, as those familiar with the Western Vocaloid community are likely aware that it is populated by social media addicts and those who believe in nonsensical gender politics.
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